Heres a practice I went through to get the grips of painting the narcissus flower. As you can see, I changed the middle of the flower similar to a narcissus flower. Theres a long way to go. But I'm sure we'll get there^^
I've been watching some video's on YouTube on calligraphy. Most of the videos are in Mandarin.. lucky i can understand a some, and actually read some subtitles in TRADITIONAL Chinese^^ The theory and mindset of actually applying the paint goes on very deeply. Its no wonder 9 year olds can paint like geniuses. It becomes an obsession!
Children being trained from young! Then effortlessly shame the rest of the world! How I'd love to go to such a meaningful art school =)
Heres a more in depth study of how people are supposed to apply paint to the massive paint brushes for that authentic effect.
It gets very complicated with the amount of paint... n so on... on each PART of the paint brush. And WHERE to add more water ..(above or under) the ink/ paint. and HOW you would then apply this to the silk canvas/ paper. It makes me miss holding a paintbrush.. instead.. I have a stylus and smudgeguard on =) Working like a professional digital artist! (aiming to anywayz.) =D