Thursday, 3 March 2011

First Pan shot process...

WORKING ON THE TREES!! Its becoming a pain, but its getting there! since its been a long time since Ive painted trees, I'm having to refresh my memory by going through some tutorials, taking short breaks to research on existing paintings. I ha vent decided HOW I'm going to exactly paint these trees, since there are many styles in doing so. But anyways, here's what the scene looks like so far. I'm trying to get the level of detail in the front layers perfect for that impact shown in the gobelin films. If you look carefully at the bottom left hand side, Its working! I'm filling space up with different tones and more abstract shapes, to convey a populated grassy area =)

Wednesday, 2 March 2011

Rock Test!!

I've spent a few hours working on painting these damn rocks, good thing is, im actually getting used to painting with no outlines. Something I've always hated, even when I'm painting in fine art lessons. Its been a real pain, but now I've seem to slowly enjoy it =D

Im currently working on the flowers.. and Bushes to fill floor space up =D