Wednesday, 5 January 2011

some visual's from the 4th.

Some proof me and Michelle finally got skype working!! As you can see in the print screen above. YOUR actually looking at MICHELLE's monitor, thats viewing my computer at home =D
Heres a sketch of the wonky castle as Matt requested =D Its slightly abstract. We decided not to push it so far, so here is the outcome. As you can see, Matt loved my idea of keeping the princesses tower the tallest and the ONLY tower with a cone. So that element stayed. Truthfully, only the shaped and perspective of the design changed. Its a small simple castle thats not meant to have a massive impact of the audience for its size, but for the crazy-ness that happens inside after. I predict it should have the same feeling as watching alice and wonderland. The contrast of a little person stepping into a massive world. or the other way round. Its going to look like its a really small area, where not much is possible, but really its going to portray a whole lot more.

On the right hand side, I've suggested another design element that we could use. For the tiled floors and banners, we should incorporate our initials or something to form a logo or something? Afterall, its our master piece. Even the Pixar animators did the same. They all learn their basic skills in a room named A113. And included that very code name in almost all their movies. =D

Heres the front and a more 3D view of the castle, Its not symmetrical, which is the main aspect of its design. Just like the castle in Cindarella.

Here's the 3D block out Michelle made during term time =D

Here's my initial sketch I worked on through the Christmas holidays, I realised me and Michelle only discussed the interior of the ENTRANCE instead of the WHOLE entrance hall itself. As a room, it should have a minimum of two doors. As we debated whether we should add more character to the interiors design, we soon realised, most medieval interiors have ARCHES, and plenty of them!. So I carried on sketching LIVE on skype as Michelle carried on giving suggestions. We then decided the 3D block out Michelle made would need updating to help us along with the perspectives. And this was the result:
I'm pleased with the speed and accuracy we both had in managing our designs. It truly shows our potential as artists!^^ As Michelle corrected the camera angles I opened the storyboard so she could use as reference at the same time. [ As you can see on right hand side]

Here's the sketches I did over the holiday! I got most of them from referenced photographs of medieval doors and buildings. And alot from watching sleeping beauty, and sword in the stone.

Perspective Study:

"We decided to try and attempt creating the entrance hall, so we met on Skype and spoke about what direction to go in, and watched clips from 'The Sword in the Stone' and 'Sleeping Beauty' to get a good idea of castle interiors and perspective;"
(Taken from michelles blog)

All for of these images were made BY Michelle through the guidance of my initial sketches of the interiors. For this following week, we'll be tweaking these backgrounds together to form a collaboration of skills, this should technically give a very unique visual appearance in comparison to our past work.

Here are some of Matt's moodboards we try to work close with.

Our colour script came from most of the selection above, so studying the way scenes were texture in Sword in the stone and sleepy beauty was an essential step.

Michelle has also been watching BBC's newest series "Merlin". Matt has also agreed its the perfect setting for our film. I personally havent watched it yet, but I will soon.
The series was filmed at the Château de Pierrefonds in France. heres a few images of it.

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