soOO heres my situation.. For this year, I'll be working on two groups
and woOO^^ I get to work in the same group as Michelle for both the groups^^
Our group for digital environments last year went so well =DD
Group (1):
Matt - SMitten
I will specialise on storyboarding, compositing, and re-working the dynamic angles like a cinematographer.
Matts already asked for a warped feel to the environments, but Michelle seems to have problems with perspectives when it comes to environments. And so, we've decided to find pictures with interesting perspective lines to copy from.
I have been warned though.. it seems as directer, Matts has the skills to do alot for himself, so I could be dropped from the group, depending how much effect my input have on the group since he has a basic animatic already. I'm going to have to do alot of research as a cinematographer working along side of Michelle for this to succeed.
Group (2)
Tex - Wombed Man King of Gods
Our roles havent officially been decided, but it seems as though i'll be doing the same jobs, storyboading, cinematographer and probably make a real animatic since there isnt one to start with. We're encouraged to be really open, freeminded for our creativity to flow. But it seems time might kill us on that one. So after going over Tex's blog, getting the grips of the actual "storyline" this weekend. I want to come up with a schedules together as a group on monday or the project may fall a terible death since there isnt much structure in the making process yet. I see real potential for this project, so I might focus on this project more since theres more jobs available. =)
What im going to concentrate on for Dan's unit...
-Drawing in warped perspectives, lots and lots of perspective fields to practice on.
- and CG dynamics in maya for Tex's project, since it seems da other members have no interest in the dynamics.
(I practiced on perspectives through out the holidays, it was one of my personal aims to improve on. and I did alot of photography during the summer, so I guess playing the role of cinematographer was the outcome of my skills I built during summer.)
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